What to Expect on Sunday Morning
“I have been to many churches seeking a spiritual community in which I’d feel connected. At Grace Church, I feel this connection. The good feeling here is made of many parts that matter to me. The music is beautiful. The service honors tradition. The friendly congregation is diverse, offering a spiritual home to different races, orientations and ages. The youth group is impressive. And the outreach projects Grace supports are meaningful to me. I am very grateful to have found Grace.”
Whenever you walk into Grace Church, we want you to feel welcome. We hope that your worship experience with us is spirit-filled and helps you connect with God. Please don’t hesitate to ask anyone you meet — the Ushers who greet you, the other people in the pews or the Clergy — if you have any questions.
Feel free to sit anywhere. And if you have some time, please enjoy our historic building and our lovely stained glass windows.
You will find everything you need to follow the liturgy in the service bulletin offered by the Ushers. The hymns, service music, psalm and prayers are all printed there for your convenience. Our Sunday morning liturgy follows Rite II (meaning ‘contemporary language’) in The Book of Common Prayer. Each service includes prayers, readings from the Old Testament and New Testament, a psalm (usually sung by all) and a sermon by the priest. We recite The Nicene Creed and offer prayers, confess our sins and greet one another as we “pass the peace.”
The second part of the liturgy is the communion, also known as ‘Mass’ or ‘Holy Eucharist’. At Grace Church, we believe it is the communion of all, so all are welcome to come forward and receive the bread and wine. If you do not wish to receive communion, you are welcome to come forward and receive a blessing from the Priest — just cross your arms in front of your chest. If you are unable to come to the altar, please tell an Usher so we can bring communion to you in the pew. The priest will place the bread in your hand. In receiving the wine, you can either drink from the chalice or dip the bread into the chalice.