Monday |
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Wednesday |
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Sunday |
3 * Choral Evensong for CandlemasChoral Evensong for Candlemas
Time: 4:00 pm
The combined choirs of St. Luke’s Church, East Greenwich, St. Paul’s Church, Fairfield, and Grace Church, Providence will sing music appropriate for Candlemas under the direction of Dr. Barry Rose, OBE, former Director of Music of St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, Guildford Cathedral, & St. Alban’s Cathedral. Candles for use in the new year will be blessed. A reception will follow in The Pavilion.
4 * Sung/ Choral Holy EucharistSung/ Choral Holy Eucharist
Time: 10:00 am
A service of the Holy Eucharist with music and a sermon. Child-care is provided in the nursery and Coffee Hour, a time of fellowship and refreshments in The Pavilion, follows the service.
11 * Sung/ Choral Holy EucharistSung/ Choral Holy Eucharist
Time: 10:00 am
A service of the Holy Eucharist with music and a sermon. Child-care is provided in the nursery and Coffee Hour, a time of fellowship and refreshments in The Pavilion, follows the service.
14 * Ash WednesdayAsh Wednesday
Time: 12:00 pm
A Spoken Holy Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes. * Ash WednesdayAsh Wednesday
Time: 7:00 pm
A Choral Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes.
15 * 3rd Thursdays @ 12 Concert3rd Thursdays @ 12 Concert
Time: 12:00 pm
\"Oboe d\'Amour: Songs of Love & Romance\" Our favorite musical duo, oboist Cheryl Bishkoff and accompanist Vince Edwards, make their annual return to this lunchtime concert series playing works of J.S. Bach, Robert Schumann, and others.
17 * Stations Workshop with ArtistStations Workshop with Artist
Time: 10:30 am
Join New York City artist Gwyneth Leech as she shares her creative process for creating the Stations of the Cross images that are used during Lent at Grace Church. Created in 2005 for St. Paul\'s on the Green in Norwalk, C.T., this set of images has gained international attention. We are fortunate to be able to use print outs of them here at Grace Church, and this is a wonderful opportunity to meet the artist and delve deeper into these powerful artistic expressions. A light lunch is included at Noon. www.gwynethleech.com
18 * Sung/ Choral Holy EucharistSung/ Choral Holy Eucharist
Time: 10:00 am
A service of the Holy Eucharist with music and a sermon. Child-care is provided in the nursery and Coffee Hour, a time of fellowship and refreshments in The Pavilion, follows the service. * Choral ComplineChoral Compline
Time: 8:00 pm
Half an hour of chant, candlelight, and fragrant incense, sung by the Grace Church Schola. Doors open at 7:30.
25 * Sung/ Choral Holy EucharistSung/ Choral Holy Eucharist
Time: 10:00 am
A service of the Holy Eucharist with music and a sermon. Child-care is provided in the nursery and Coffee Hour, a time of fellowship and refreshments in The Pavilion, follows the service. * Choral EvensongChoral Evensong
Time: 4:00 pm
A service of Choral Evensong sung by the Choir & Choristers of Grace Church. Music by Charles Villiers Stanford will be sung in observance of the 100 years since his death. A reception will follow in The Pavilion.